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Beagles and Buddies Sanctuary
23430 Hwy 18
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/n5Jiq

Email: beaglesandbuddies@gmail.com

Success Stories


Dear Friends at Beagles and Buddies,

To say that Tyson has become a member of our family is simply not saying enough. Tyson has become a son, and we love him so very much.

Tyson spends his days with Benji, his older brother, who is a Keeshond. They are constantly exploring the backyard and playing together, and love to go on car rides and camping trips. Unfortunately, Benji was diagnosed with a tumor in his heart this week and has been given a very short time to live. I know that Tyson will be very sad when Benji passes, and am sure we will be making a trip to B&B sometime... once the pain goes away.

Tyson was also recently invited to join a local group here in San Diego called the "Beagle Brigade". We went last Saturday and Tyson enjoyed the entire morning playing with some 115 beautiful Beagles at a local dog park. It was so fun. Tyson spent the rest of the day recouperating!

Please feel free to refer anyone locally to us who may be interested in joining Tyson on Beagle Brigade! Thank you so very much for the joy you have brought to our family. I simply do not remember a time without Tyson, and would never want to. Thank you again!!!

Truly Yours,
Don MacKay

Those in the San Diego area interested in more info on the Beagle Brigade can contact Don MacKay at sddude007@yahoo.com



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