Click here to see our available rescue dogs
(Updated Daily!)
You can meet the rescue dogs at our weekend adoption events, or by appointment at the sanctuary.
Beagles and Buddies Sanctuary
23430 Hwy 18
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/n5Jiq
Email: beaglesandbuddies@gmail.com
Our Wishlist!
Special Wishes
**We are in great need of a new refrigerator, new or gently used**
Dog food- bagged kibble and canned soft food
Pooper scoopers
Outdoor heaters
We also have need of the following items...
Any that you can donate to us would be much appreciated!
Office supplies: pens, *paper clips, copy paper of any color, *black printer ink, *manila folders, index cards, yellow tablets
collars/leashes of all colors and sizes
fly traps/deterrents such as Rescue! Fly Trap or TrapStik
frontline spray
sturdy garden hoses
durable dog beds- especially Kuranda beds - all sizes
Cleaning supplies
Big trash cans
washing machines
powdered laundry soap
fantastico liquid soap
Grooming tools
5 gallon buckets
Fly catchers like TrapStik
Microchip scanners
Home Depot/Lowes Gift Cards
Sweaters for big dogs
Building Materials
2x4s; buffer board; sheetrock; cinder blocks;
Some man and/or womanpower, too! We're still working on our Dogs Help Heal sanctuary.
Carpeting to Cut Up
For doggie pads - clean used or scrap new
Canned or Dry Dog Food
*We'll take your favorite brands! We are especially looking for Pedigree dry food now. Soft food in the high end brands
is also greatly appreciated (like Evangers, Merrick, Blue Buffalo, Taste of the Wild). Some of our older dogs have delicate tummies.
Dedicated Doggie Walkers
Any and every day from 8 am to noon. We have some folks but we need more to add to the Every dog... Every day program.
*And especially- Volunteers!
Contact us to arrange dropping off or picking-up.